Friday, November 28, 2014

25 Fun and puzzling Krishna Trivia Questions - #20 is my fav

  • 1 Answer

    ‪#‎KRISHNATRIVIA‬ At what store, in what city did Arjuna first meet Krishna? And what sparked their friendship?
  • 2 Answer

    KRISHNA TRIVIA: What fruit lost the battle with Krishna's quads during his pre and early teens? Clue: Nectar of Devotion. ‪#‎krishnatrivia‬
  • 3 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: With what 5 arrows does Krishna pierce the hearts of His devotees?
  • 4 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: What name did one of Śrīla Prabhupāda's relatives give him when he was born?
  • 5 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: Does anyone remember what Krishna did when Rukmini fainted from His teasing?‪#‎krishnatrivia‬
  • 6 Answer
    Philosophy Trivia: How does the disagreement between Māyāvādī impersonalist philosophers (absolute monist) and Vaiṣṇavas (inconceivable dual & non-dual existence) prove that the Vaiṣṇavas are right?
  • 7 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: Where is Śrīla Prabhupāda's place of worship, his office, and his home?
  • 8 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: Which story in the Bhāgavatam features a dragon? Closed book test only. No internets either.
  • 9 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: What did people call Nityananda Prabhu when he went to school, how was he addressed? Ref Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta Adi līlā
  • 10 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: What happens when you bathe Krishna and his land with Ganga and celestial cow milk?
  • 11 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: Who does Krishna tell? "You are more dear to me than Balarama."
  • 12 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: Who is Kamsa actual father?
  • 13 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: What made Narada laugh when he visited Krishna in the many palaces in Dwaraka?
  • 14 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: Why did the demigods warn Kaṁsa about Devakī?
  • 15 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: What is the weapon of Lord Chaitanya? (Ref: Jīva Gosvāmī's Kramasandarbha and/or Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta)
  • 16 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: beyond the 1/4 is the 3/4. Explain.
  • 17 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: Why is Śrī Krishna ontological position called fourth dimension above that of His Maha Vishnu form? (Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta)
  • 18 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: What color is Krishna's hair? (Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2nd canto 2nd chapter)

  • 19 Answer

    ‪#‎krishnatrivia‬ Who are the six Vegans that you have to get to listen to you before you can be a real teacher? Let's see who get it first.
  • 20 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: Which avatar stops beings in invisible cloaking spaceships from interplanetary galactic genocide by the strength of his transcendental fashion show?

    If you already heard the answer from me don't post it.
  • 21 Answer

    ‪#‎KRISHNATRIVIA‬: What the name of the holiday that happens today (Halloween 2014) that inspired Rādhāranī to dress in a costume as a cowherd boy?
  • 22 Answer
    KRISHNA TRIVIA: what is the description of Mother Yaśodā skin color? Hint, answer can be found in the Nectar of Devotion & Krama Dipika
  • 23 Answer
    TRIVIA: What color turban did Krishna like to wear in Vrindavan?

  • 24 Answer 
    ‪#‎KRISHNATRIVIA‬ What unique Sanskrit word was used to describe the Yadus in Ch 70 of Śrīmad Bhāgavatam?
  • 25 Answer
    TRIVIA: why did the demigoddesses in Dvarpara Yuga pray for the Buddha Avatar?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Appreciations from guests

Our good friend Woody Winn, a teacher at Brewers High School, a public school in Fort Worth always holds Krishna dear to his heart.  He is a wonderful Christian teacher who engages his students in a 3 week study of the sacred philosophical text, the Bhagavad Gita.  Last week we had a superb visit with 40 of his students. 

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Nityananda Chandra Granger was an amazing host, guru and most importantly a friend today as he taught and served us. I am so blessed to have someone like him as an example for my precious students. It was an exceptional field trip, one that my kids will not forget! God is Great!

  • Nityananda Chandra Granger Thank you very much Woody Winn Prabhu for you kind words. I always so happy when you come with your wonderful students. I always have confidence that you can present the Gita to them in a proper way, thank you very much. - Your humble servant, Nityananda Chandra Das
  • Sarah Yowell I still tell people what an amazing teacher you were to take us on such educational and inspirational field trips! So glad to hear your newer students still get such an amazing experience.
  • Kristen Noël Vrabel This BLOWS my mind. My Alma Mater taking a field trip to the Temple that I spend the bulk of my time at!!!!
  • Kerrie Jansson Jowers I know a cpl of the students that went with you and they were so stoked to go. Glad it was amazing.
  • Scarlett Laci Pettis I still talk about our visits to the temple. I believe my first visit was also one of Nityananda Chandra Granger's first group visits. We had such a good time! It's a beautiful place with beautiful people, welcoming energy and oh man, the FOOD! ; -)
    So glad you're still showing kids a broader understanding of service and love, Mr. Winn.