I was invited last Saturday on Salaam Namaste 104.9, which reaches the thousands of Indian/Pakastani locals, to speak about the significance of Janmastami and our local festival in Dallas. There is a kids section in the early part of the program, so the youth were also invited to do a live bhajan. Parents did not think that the kids would be up to it, being that they would have to up and ready to meet me to leave at the temple at 6am sharp. But the kids, Sakshi Gopal (10), Giri (10), and Madana Gopal (9) were fully excited. I found them in front of the temple bright and even earlier than expected. They sang the Nrisimha prayers very nicely, and I followed with an explanation about Sri Krishna Janmastami. You are all welcome to listen to it here and tell us your feedback about our show. The recording is not of the highest quality, I believe that it was just low quality automated recording so it must have sounded better on air.
ps. the link should be only available till Saturday. Then it will be updated with the next show which will feature Narottamananda Dasa and Bhakta James Cook speaking about the new upcoming Food For Life documentary, "AMMA means Mother"