I spent few days visiting him up in his room. So much nectar, I can share some later. He wanted the harmonium to be sold only if it was going to be used for harinam sankirtan and not home use.
Happenings about and around ISKCON Dallas by Nityananda Chandra Das and fellow devotees
In Honor of the auspicious passing of His Grace Aindra Prabhu
Yesterday around 7:45 pm central time His Grace Aindra Prabhu passed away. He left this world in presence of his Deities offering them obeisances.
Last night we had a kirtan program from 11 to 3 am and from 9 am today we are performing a 24 hour kirtan yajna till 4:30 the next morning.
We also have special guest, the Surya boys bus tour from Alachua who will be accompanying all the programs of the day.
7am - 9am memories
9am 24 hour kirtan begins
LIVE www.RadhaKalachandji.com
& pancake breakfast
7pm Feast
8pm Maha Harinam